Best P2E Games

Step App is a NFT-based move-to-earn game that turns fitness goals into income, social Joy, and friendly competition.

Step is the first app on the FitFi development protocol that was created by the core team. The FitFi market is built on the Step App. The early mover advantage guarantees that the protocol and SDK can become the industry standard, enabling the FitFi economy with a mighty meta-verse and technological stack. The fitness industry is becoming gamified thanks to Step App.

Step App Review

The Step App can make exercising for players a rewarding social activity. To increase their step count, they can run, jog, or walk. Players can compete against friends or even strangers, socialize locally or worldwide, and take on a dynamic new perspective on both the meta-verse and their physical environment.

Step App NFTs

Players create tokens by running, jogging, or walking using SNEAK NFTs. Only KCAL tokens can be used to mint SNEAKs. Additionally, players can participate in a Step App early sign-up campaign that offers the chance to receive free SNEAK NFTs and early members will have access to the first waves of limited edition SNEAKs.


Players will have to buy their own Unique SNEAK in order to start playing. For profits, players will have to upgrade the SNEAK or mint new SNEAKs. Players can also trade or exchange the SNEAKs with other players.


The walker, hiker, racer, and coach are the four different categories of SNEAKs. As each SNEAK is appropriate for a range of activity levels, players can select the one that best suits their lifestyle and individual activity levels.

Depending on the SNEAK type, each SNEAK has a recommended speed range. These speeds should be taken into account while purchasing the SNEAK since you can only earn when moving within the SNEAK’s acceptable speed range while utilizing it.


Now watch the video game review of Step App:



Step App on Youtube

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Best Game Review – Step App

The Step App can make exercising for players a rewarding social activity. However, to increase their step count, they can run, jog, or walk. Players can compete against friends or even strangers, socialize locally or worldwide, and take on a dynamic new perspective on both the meta-verse and their physical environment.

Step App

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