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Web3 Games Marketing on Popular Game Marketplaces

Web3 Games Marketing on Popular Game Marketplaces

Game Review 

Popular video game marketplaces haven’t allowed web3 and blockchain games on their platforms like Steam and iOS App Store have imposed a ban

Web3 games or NFT blockchain games often find it difficult to market themselves on already established game stores. These popular video game marketplaces haven’t allowed crypto and blockchain games on their platforms for various reasons. Moreover, opinions around web3 games are divided, some love them and others hate them. Popular game marketplaces like Steam and iOS App Store have imposed a solid ban on NFT and crypto games. While others like Google Play Store, and Epic Games Store allow them with certain conditions and disclaimers. Additionally, there are some emerging marketplaces like Elixir and Ultra that allows web3 games and fully support them. However, an interesting point here is that despite the ban on Steam, developers are finding ways to launch web3 games on the platform. 

Steam banned NFT and blockchain games back in 2021 when the crypto industry was riding the bull wave. The restriction was clearly stopping the games “built on blockchain technology that issue or allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs.” Steam banning blockchain and crypto was massive because it has over 20-30 million active gamers on its platform. So, Steam seems a lucrative choice for marketing a game and reaching a broader audience. Web3 game developers are finding and crafting ways to market their games on Steam. They do it either by subtracting the web3 and blockchain elements altogether or by using a third-party redirect for NFTs. 

Web3 Game Examples on Steam

There are several examples where developers are launching their web3 games on Steam. Champions Ascension, The Bornless, Superior, Angelic, and some others. All these blockchain games use different ways to bypass Steam restrictions. As for Champions Ascension, they plan not to exchange NFTs and cryptocurrencies on the Steam platform. Consequently, following and respecting Steam TOS. As for web3 gamers, they will have to head to Champions Ascension’s website for NFTs and other blockchain elements. This does not mean that NFT items will not work in the game, they will work in the external website functioning. It will use an external portal to make NFTs work in the game. So, the Steam version will see NFTs going live in the game. However, the Steam version is a limited one when compared to the game outside Steam. But, the players of both game versions will play in the same lobby. So, the idea is to increase the game’s visibility and market it better using Steam.

When it comes to The Bornless, they make it clear that the blockchain elements are just a layer on top of the game. The developers abstract the crypto elements on the Steam version. Ultimately, the decision to put in-game elements on blockchain will come into the hands of players. Moreover, the developers are trying to get the product out on Steam and change the prevalent negative perception about NFTs. 

Game Developers Faces Severe Competition on Steam

Although the idea to market the game on Steam and reach out to the broader audience is good, the real challenge lies in grabbing the attention of gamers. There are millions of players on Steam but half of these numbers come to Steam to play popular titles only. A new report from GameDiscoverCo shows that on August 11, almost half of all users playing the top 1,000 games on Steam were playing the top 10 games. At that time, almost 95% of everyone playing games on Steam at the same time was playing these top 1,000 games. So, the real challenge is not making it to Steam, but it is rather the over-saturation of games. These stats are worrisome as the majority of game developers aren’t seeing much of a player base. It is even more difficult for multiplayer games that require a certain number of players to initiate matchmaking. 

Crypto-friendly game developers are using different methods to get their games on Steam and attract more players. Some publishers, like Gala Games, are making versions of their games without NFTs (crypto items), like their upcoming game Superior. Jason Brink, who is the Blockchain President of Gala Games, said that they will release a “non-NFT” version of Superior on Steam. This means that players won’t be able to buy in-game items with cryptocurrency. Gala Games also plans to offer NFT games through Elixir, a game launcher that works with cryptocurrencies.

Angelic, an RPG set in a fantasy world that is being made by Metaverse Game Studios, is another example. Companies like Animoca Brands and Pantera Capital put in $10 million to help them grow. Angelic is giving out their game in a way that is similar to how Gala Games does it. Bayol hopes that Angelic’s Web3 features will be added to the Steam version of the game over time. Game developers could release versions of their games on Steam that don’t have any crypto elements. If Valve changes its blockchain rules in the future, the developers could add everything back in.

Popular video game marketplaces haven’t allowed web3 and blockchain games on their platforms like Steam and iOS App Store have imposed a ban
Web3 Games Marketing on Popular Game Marketplaces 2

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Web3 and Blockchain Games in Popular Video Game Marketplaces

1. Why aren’t web3 and blockchain games allowed on popular game marketplaces like Steam and iOS App Store?

These established game marketplaces have imposed a ban on web3 games and NFT blockchain games due to various reasons. The restriction is aimed at games built on blockchain technology that issue or allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

2. What is the divided opinion around web3 games?

Opinions about web3 games are mixed. While some individuals appreciate the concept and innovation behind these games, others hold negative views about them.

3. Which major game marketplaces have banned NFT and crypto games, and which ones allow them with conditions?

Popular game marketplaces like Steam and the iOS App Store have solidly banned NFT and crypto games. However, platforms like Google Play Store and the Epic Games Store do allow these types of games with certain conditions and disclaimers.

4. Are there emerging marketplaces that support web3 games?

Yes, there are emerging marketplaces like Elixir and Ultra that fully support web3 games and allow them to be marketed.

5. How are developers working around the ban on Steam for web3 games?

Despite the ban on Steam, developers are finding ways to launch web3 games on the platform. They do this by either removing web3 and blockchain elements entirely or by using third-party redirects for NFTs.

6. When did Steam ban NFT and blockchain games, and why was this significant?

Steam banned NFT and blockchain games in 2021, during a period of significant growth in the crypto industry. This was significant because Steam boasts a massive user base of 20-30 million active gamers, making it an attractive platform for game marketing.

7. How do developers launch their web3 games on Steam despite the ban?

Developers launch web3 games on Steam by either removing blockchain elements or using external portals for NFTs. For example, Champions Ascension plans to exclude NFT and crypto exchange on Steam, while The Bornless abstracts crypto elements on the Steam version.

8. Can you provide examples of web3 games on Steam?

Some examples of web3 games on Steam include Champions Ascension, The Bornless, Superior, and Angelic. These games use different methods to bypass Steam’s restrictions.

9. What challenges do game developers face when marketing their games on Steam?

While reaching a broad audience on Steam is appealing, the challenge lies in standing out amidst the abundance of games available. Many players are drawn to popular titles, leading to over-saturation of certain games.

10. How are crypto-friendly developers addressing the challenges of marketing on Steam?

Crypto-friendly developers are adopting various strategies to attract players on Steam. Some, like Gala Games, are creating non-NFT versions of their games, while others are offering crypto elements through platforms like Elixir.

11. How does Angelic, an RPG, plan to integrate its Web3 features on Steam?

Angelic, developed by Metaverse Game Studios, aims to add its Web3 features to the Steam version of the game over time. This approach aligns with the hope that if Valve changes its blockchain rules, developers could reintegrate crypto elements into their games.

12. Is there a possibility of change in the future regarding the ban on NFT and blockchain games on Steam?

While the ban currently stands, the possibility remains that Valve might change its stance on blockchain rules in the future, allowing developers to reintroduce crypto elements if policies evolve.

Web3 Games Marketing on Popular Game Marketplaces

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Web3 Games Marketing on Popular Game Marketplaces

P2E News, short for “Play-to-Earn News,” is a category of updates and information within the broader spectrum of Crypto News, Web3 News, NFT News, and Blockchain News. These terms are all interconnected and represent various facets of the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) is a gaming model that has gained immense popularity within the crypto and blockchain communities. In P2E games, players can earn cryptocurrencies or NFTs by participating in the game, often through activities like completing quests, collecting items, or trading assets. P2E News covers developments, announcements, and trends related to these innovative gaming experiences that allow players to monetize their in-game efforts.

Crypto News, on the other hand, focuses on the broader world of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a multitude of altcoins. This category encompasses news about market trends, regulatory changes, new blockchain technologies, and updates related to various tokens. Crypto News is a fundamental aspect of the blockchain ecosystem, as cryptocurrencies serve as the primary means of value transfer and exchange within the Web3 space.

Web3 News is an umbrella term that refers to the next-generation internet, often characterized by decentralized applications, blockchain technology, and smart contracts. The Web3 ecosystem seeks to provide a more user-centric and decentralized internet experience. This category of news covers developments in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and various other applications built on blockchain technology. For the ultimate and best play to earn games list, check our friends of

NFT News focuses on Non-Fungible Tokens, unique digital assets that are indivisible and represent ownership of a specific item, artwork, or collectible. NFTs have gained prominence in the art world, gaming industry, and entertainment sector. NFT News keeps enthusiasts informed about NFT sales, new projects, and partnerships within the NFT space.

Blockchain News pertains to the foundational technology behind cryptocurrencies and Web3 applications. Blockchains are decentralized ledgers that record transactions across a network of computers, ensuring transparency and security. Updates in this category might include innovations in blockchain consensus mechanisms, interoperability between different blockchain networks, and industry applications beyond cryptocurrencies.

In summary, P2E News is a niche subset of Crypto News, Web3 News, NFT News, and Blockchain News. It focuses on gaming experiences where players can earn cryptocurrencies or NFTs, while the other categories encompass a broader range of topics within the decentralized digital landscape, including cryptocurrencies, web3 technologies, NFTs, and blockchain advancements. Collectively, these categories shape the landscape of the digital economy, offering insights into how technology is revolutionizing various aspects of our lives.