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From Glitchy Disaster to Gaming Triumph: CD Projekt’s Redemption of Cyberpunk 2077

Gamers should undoubtedly remember the epic journey of CD Projekt’s redemption for Cyberpunk 2077. This article vividly portrays how a troubled launch of a highly anticipated game transformed into a remarkable success story. Cyberpunk 2077, an open-world RPG set in a dystopian future, initially suffered from numerous bugs and performance issues, drawing unfavorable comparisons to “No Man’s Sky.” CD Projekt’s CEO, Adam Kiciński, and their resolute commitment played a pivotal role in fixing these issues. The company invested a colossal 500 million euros to redeem the game, highlighting a significant trend in the gaming industry, where production costs now rival those of blockbuster movies. Gamers should be inspired by this redemption tale, as it serves as a testament to the gaming industry’s evolving landscape and the unwavering dedication of developers to meet player expectations. CD Projekt’s journey to redeem Cyberpunk 2077 is a captivating tale of revival in the gaming industry. This open-world game initially stumbled at its launch, plagued by bugs, especially on consoles, leading to a disheartened player base. The situation drew comparisons to the troubled launch of “No Man’s Sky,” but CD Projekt was resolute in its determination to rectify the issues.

The company’s commitment to fixing Cyberpunk 2077 was immense, involving an investment of approximately 35 million euros in patching and enhancing the game. But that was just the start. They also dedicated a staggering 80 million euros toward creating and promoting the Phantom Liberty expansion, a necessary addition to rescue the base game. The total financial commitment amounted to a jaw-dropping 115 million euros, equivalent to the production cost of Game of Thrones’ final season, the most expensive television season ever made.

This journey highlights the evolving nature of the gaming industry, where developing a video game can now surpass the cost of producing a blockbuster movie or high-end series. For instance, “Avatar: The Sense of Water,” one of the most expensive movies in history, had a budget of $250 million, whereas the base game of Cyberpunk 2077, excluding the expansion, ballooned to a staggering 400 million euros.

CD Projekt, known for its success with The Witcher saga, was already a Polish gaming legend with over 100 million copies sold and its own Netflix series. The anticipation for their next venture, Cyberpunk 2077, was sky-high. However, when the game was released in December 2020, it was a catastrophe. Bugs were rampant, performance was terrible, and it was a stark example of a rushed release dictated by corporate schedules, regardless of the product’s readiness. Fans who had pre-ordered the game felt cheated, and critics harshly criticized it. CD Projekt pledged to make amends, but the road to redemption was long and challenging.

Gradually, patches were released to address the game’s numerous issues. It was version 2.0, recently rolled out, that truly resurrected Cyberpunk 2077, restoring it to its original vision. Simultaneously, the Phantom Liberty expansion was in development. Today, players can finally enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 as it was meant to be, and they are ecstatic. However, this redemption came at an exorbitant price, with CD Projekt’s investment in the game and expansion exceeding 500 million euros. Nevertheless, the results are impressive, with the base game selling 25 million copies and the expansion achieving 3 million sales in just one week.

Furthermore, an Edgerunners anime series is in the works, along with a live-action adaptation with real actors. It’s a triumphant conclusion to CD Projekt’s epic journey, but one that came at a steep cost for this colossal undertaking.