Best P2E Games

From Dragons to Unicorns: Laguna Games’ Bold Leap into Web3

Laguna Games went on a dangerous adventure that took them from the world of dragons to the magical world of unicorns. The fact that they turned down the chance to work on the famous “Game of Thrones” IP in favor of making their own NFT game, Crypto Unicorns, shows that they have the guts to try something new and join the Web3 revolution. Laguna Games chose a different path, the Crypto Unicorn realm, which gave them the chance to be creative and try new things. Laguna Games did not stop at crafting a unique game. They wanted to give their community more power by putting in place a DAO, which stands for “Decentralised Autonomous Organisation.” Andrew Campbell, who is in charge of product and growth at Laguna, said that he was aware of the risks that came with this experimental approach. But he was sure that the rewards would be great if they could find their way through this uncharted territory.

Unicorn Party Mobile Games: Revolutionizing Blockchain Gaming with Fun and Accessibility

Unicorn Party, the latest offering from Laguna Games, is making waves in the blockchain gaming industry. With a series of casual mobile games under the Crypto Unicorns brand, Unicorn Party aims to address the main challenges hindering the mass adoption of blockchain games. By providing exciting gameplay experiences, easy onboarding, and accessibility for both Web2 and Web3 gaming audiences, Unicorn Party is poised to bridge the gap and revolutionize the crypto gaming world. In an interview with a famous game news website, Lois Wang, executive producer of Unicorn Party, said “We’re expanding into different genres for this IP so that we can put a variety of games in front of the players. Unicorn Party will be a multiplayer PvP game series where we can experiment with different genres and diversify our audience.”