Best P2E Games

Video Game Industry NFT’s; Cash Grab?

Video Game Industry NFT: A Real Change or Just a Way to Make More Money?

The tech and gaming industries have been all about NFTs and blockchain gaming for the past few years. But there are different opinions on the subject in the gaming industry. Some call it a revolution and the future of gaming. Others aren’t sure about it and think it’s just another way to make money. Also, gamers and fans have said what they think about the problem and are very vocal about it.

What’s Up With Blockchain & Games?

Blockchain Tech and Video Games, what is all the Fuss About? People have stopped using traditional ways to make money because crypto, NFT, and blockchain-based games have so much potential. Nowadays the trendy buzzwords in the tech world are NFTs, cryptocurrency, blockchain, DeFi, and more. And the video game industry has also picked up with the newest trend as it did in the past with others.