Gas Hero is an upcoming MMO developed by the acclaimed Find Satoshi Lab (FSL) team, known for their successful walk-to-earn game Stepn. This new game offers an action-packed battle experience set in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by artificial intelligence. Gas Hero combines elements of strategy, decentralization, and community interaction. To mark its announcement, FSL has launched a user-driven content contest with a substantial prize pool of $431,400. Central to Gas Hero’s design is decentralization, evident through in-game community voting, asset trading using the $GMT token, and a decentralized marketplace. Building on the success of Stepn, FSL brings innovation to Gas Hero, creating a Web3 game where players navigate a desolate world, construct virtual bases, and engage in battles with other players. The game places a strong emphasis on community involvement, aiming to create an immersive and interactive gaming environment. The Gas Hero contest represents a transformation in Web3 gaming, involving players in the creative process prior to the game’s launch. FSL’s approach seeks to expand the game’s audience and foster a sense of community within the Web3 domain. The game’s backstory is set in a post-apocalyptic world where AI and quantum computing have led to global devastation. Operation Spark, a network of hidden labs, emerges as humanity’s hope for survival through cloning technology. From these labs arise the “Gas Heroes,” named after the life-giving gas within the sanctuaries. Players navigate hazardous landscapes and engage in battles as they embark on a journey of rebirth and discovery. Gas Hero’s gameplay features an automated combat system requiring players to arrange their battle lineup before entering conflicts. Each hero has a unique codename, equipped weapons, and pets. A vertical action bar triggers attacks or special skills, while a horizontal rage bar boosts recharge speed. Hero skills, primary attributes (Attack, Defense, HP, SP, Speed), and tokenomics play crucial roles in battles and strategy. The game’s token, $GMT, is integrated into Gas Hero’s development and launch. The game introduces a marketplace and empowers players through decentralized decision-making and voting mechanisms. This innovative approach aims to create an engaging and immersive gaming experience within the Web3 framework.